If you are a service provider in accordance to the latest amendment in the taxation law you need to have a GST REGISTRATION IN DELHI. It is mandatory to file Goods and Service Tax if you are a registered company in India. So in case you still do not possess your GST REGISTRATION IN DELHI you need to go for it.
If you are registered under Pre-GST law like Service tax, VAT etc. you need to go for GST REGISTRATION IN DELHI.
If the threshold limit for your business has escalated above 40 lakhs.
If you are a taxable/Non- resident taxable person.
If you are an Input Service distributor, or a supplier agent.
If you are complying with nay taxes under reverse charge mechanism, then GST REGISTRATION is a mandatory certificate for you.
If you are an e-commerce aggregator.
If you are a provider of database access or assist with online information irrelevant of the contour of your client.
Requirement of documents for GST REGISTRATION IN DELHI NCR-
If you are a sole owner of your company-
In case of proprietor you need to submit the following documents for GST REGISTRATION.
Proprietor’s passport size photograph
Aadhar Card along with your Pan card
Electricity bill
Address proof of your place of business. Which should include the rental agreement along with electricity bill
Bank details which can be through Pass Book, Cancelled cheque or account statement.
Digital Signature
If you have a partnership Firm-
In case you wish to apply for GST REGISTRATION and have registered your firm as a partnership firm, for that case you need to have
PAN of your partnership firm
Aadhar and PAN of the involved partners
Passport size photo of the partners
Bank details of the firm
Address proof of the registered office for business
Digital Signature
If your firm is registered as a PVT Ltd. firm or LLP firm-
In the above condition. Although GST REGISTRATION is mandatory but for the same you need to have-
Certificate of incorporation
Company’s Pan
Passport size photograph of all the directors
Aadhar and PAN of all the directors
Address proof of the registered office for business
Bank details of the firm
Digital Signature.
Multiple taxes elimination
You can save more Money
One country one tax rule so running a business will be easy
Increase in Employment
Cascading effect Reduction
Increase in GDP
Tax Evasion will be reduced
Increase in revenue.
These are the major benefits you can enjoy from GST registration in Okhla & Kalkaji, Delhi
. So if you are looking for a consultancy to assist you with these services. PKG Consultancy offers quick GST REGISTRATION IN DELHI at a competitive price. So reach out to us and get your quotes for the GST REGISTRATION IN DELHI.