As per new amendment in Foreign Contribution Regulation Rules (FCRR), 2015, all services such as applications for FCRA registration, FCRA prior permission and renewal of FCRA registration under FCRA, 2010, are online. The FCRA division of the home ministry will issue digitally signed registration certificates, prior permission sanctions etc to applicants through emails.
Our Service:
- Application for FCRA Registration
- Application for Renewal
- Application for Prior Permission
- Filing of FCRA Returns
Procedure :
- As per the amended FCRA rules, all NGOs registered or granted prior permission under FCRA are now required to upload details of foreign contributions received and utilized by them every three months on their website or the FCRA website.
- The new FCRA rules ensure that the human interface with foreign-funded NGOs is minimized, with all queries and replies to applicants to be made through emails.
- NGOs can file their annual returns online, with the hard copy version dispensed with.
All FCRA designated bank accounts and utilization accounts will now have to be brought on the online platform of public finance management service (PFMS) of controller general of accounts, ministry of finance.